The Best Sexual Harassment Training Decision You Can Make

Sexual Harassment Training

HFC is the Best Sexual Harassment Training you can provide because it:

  1. Has engaging and relatable videos viewable anytime, anywhere; do some in the office, airport or a plane (LMS permitting);
  2. Exceeds legal requirements of all fifty US states; and,
  3. Is provided at a great price.

Sexual harassment training is required by some of the largest states in the nation including California and New York. Accelerate offers the best online, interactive training on the market with Harassment Free Culture (HFC).

Attendees report that this online training is informative and enlightening. More importantly, they tell us that they enjoyed their online experience. Attendees can do the training in a single sitting or break it up depending on their schedule.

Complete the Class on the Plane

One person appreciated that they could download the session and complete it on a flight and then upload the results when they landed.  This is especially helpful for managers or employees who travel often.

Both the Manager and Employee versions exceed the most stringent legal requirements in all fifty United States. HFC is designed to be implemented on your LMS (Learning Management System) or ours. Each person’s completion of the class is recorded confirming compliance with the legal requirement. 

Harassment Free Culture is an interactive, online training that was created in collaboration with Senior Managers, HR Executives and Attorneys from a cross section of Fortune 500 Companies.

Here are some hard facts about soft skills. Too often managers get promoted because of their hard skills—technical expertise,  time in grade, or because their boss feels they “deserve a new challenge”. Too often they lack the soft skills needed to successfully lead others.

Our online trainings are designed to take the mystery, the guesswork and the worry out of managing people…acclimating the manager to both the challenges and the satisfactions of their new job.

We are committed to helping managers overcome their fears, uncertainties and doubts about managing people, boosting their confidence, and jumpstarting their leadership careers.

Free Infographic: “5 Ways to Ensure Quality Harassment Training”

Demo Brochure 

For more info or a quote, contact