Pornography in Sexual Harassment Training

Pornography in Sexual Harassment Training

The use of pornography in the office can be a form of sexual harassment when it is in the line of sight of others. What one person considers entertainment, another person may consider pornography.

Cases where people think that because they had a screensaver on, that that somehow protects the inappropriate stuff they’re doing on the computer. And the classic case was a gentleman who had his desk situated so he faced the door coming into his office, and therefore his computer screen was facing him and you couldn’t see it as you walked by.

Well, he was interested in online pornography and so he would enjoy that during the day, and then when he would take a break he would put on a screensaver – presumably a much more mundane image. In any case, like most screen savers worked, if you at all moved the mouse, the screen would come back up.

And so his admin would come in when he was on a break occasionally and have to move things around on the desk, and would you know, move the mouse and there’s the image of the pornography that she gets to enjoy – or not, in this case. And so she eventually complained saying that she believed it to be inappropriate. Then, I have to go in this guy’s office and I have to deal with all these pornographic images.

And so that’s an example of how, even though this person thought he was being really smart and only sharing with himself this stuff, he actually ended up sharing it with his admin and it didn’t work out.

This is a perfect example of a situation where a well-designed sexual harassment training might have prevented an uncomfortable experience for all.

HFC (Harassment Free Culture) training is the best harassment training you can buy because it:

  1. Has engaging and relatable videos viewable anytime, anywhere; do some in the office, some in the airport or on the plane (LMS permitting);
  2. Exceeds legal requirements of all fifty US states; and,
  3. Is provided at a great price.

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